Last 2 days..test reading n speaking jepong..
i just thought dat we will present (speaking) in front of people, gue dh s'mangat dh nk present ayt "superb" jepon ak..hehe (thx honEy)
but..skali test sorg2 da..x best lgsung xder org tau ak pandai n hebat speaking jepun haha =p
so i'm candidate no.6 or 7 lper da,
not really kan pro so why must nervous (bongkak) hee~
those candidates yg dh pass bg tips:
# hafal no. byk kuar no.
so ak belek2 buku nihongo ak..n try 2 mesmerize the num.
smpai turn gue suda..
morning' sensei (actually is noon already..slh greeting haha)
sensei: ok tick on attendance, then you read the passage
me: hai!! (smbil tick ma'name)
tanpa menyemak passage ak trus bace passage tu, gara2 nk cepat hbs pyer pasal..
(apa?? eh tolong skit ak bce dlm jepun k ~ahaks)
bc, pye bc, pye bc, then stuck
erm how to pronounce this num. in japan??
RM 98,776
err..agk lma gak ak fkirin..
then dgn t'sasul2 ak ckp
"kyuman hassen, nanahyaku nanaju roku.."
erm..confident je btul then ak truskan ngan speaking
actually word yg ak ckp tu ak reka (ehem2) =p n hafal..ada la every 5 sec ak hafal hehe
ayt ak b'bunyi
ima, go shokai shimasu,
kochira namaewa rosini-san no inakawa sarawakku des,
uitm no gakusei, sengko wa joho desu,
tochira wa sen kyuhyaku hachiju hachi,
roku-gatsu,muika no nijuissai desu,
domo arigato.."
mu pahey ko?? (loghat kelantan)
dok pahey??
pahey2 ka la s'diri k..haha
then afta a lil' bit Q & A wit sensei..then is done.
ak kuar bilik test ngan muke macho n b'gaye x pandang kiri kanan..
konon2 hebat la (mmg pun)
it takes around 10 min. for me finishing the nihongo testo
tgh2 jalan balik bilik afta test suddenly i remember..
ak lupe sebut "ringgito" utk "RM" 98,776 td..
i just thought dat we will present (speaking) in front of people, gue dh s'mangat dh nk present ayt "superb" jepon ak..hehe (thx honEy)
but..skali test sorg2 da..x best lgsung xder org tau ak pandai n hebat speaking jepun haha =p
so i'm candidate no.6 or 7 lper da,
not really kan pro so why must nervous (bongkak) hee~
those candidates yg dh pass bg tips:
# hafal no. byk kuar no.
so ak belek2 buku nihongo ak..n try 2 mesmerize the num.
smpai turn gue suda..
morning' sensei (actually is noon already..slh greeting haha)
sensei: ok tick on attendance, then you read the passage
me: hai!! (smbil tick ma'name)
tanpa menyemak passage ak trus bace passage tu, gara2 nk cepat hbs pyer pasal..
(apa?? eh tolong skit ak bce dlm jepun k ~ahaks)
bc, pye bc, pye bc, then stuck
erm how to pronounce this num. in japan??
RM 98,776
err..agk lma gak ak fkirin..
then dgn t'sasul2 ak ckp
"kyuman hassen, nanahyaku nanaju roku.."
erm..confident je btul then ak truskan ngan speaking
actually word yg ak ckp tu ak reka (ehem2) =p n hafal..ada la every 5 sec ak hafal hehe
ayt ak b'bunyi
ima, go shokai shimasu,
kochira namaewa rosini-san no inakawa sarawakku des,
uitm no gakusei, sengko wa joho desu,
tochira wa sen kyuhyaku hachiju hachi,
roku-gatsu,muika no nijuissai desu,
domo arigato.."
mu pahey ko?? (loghat kelantan)
dok pahey??
pahey2 ka la s'diri k..haha
then afta a lil' bit Q & A wit sensei..then is done.
ak kuar bilik test ngan muke macho n b'gaye x pandang kiri kanan..
konon2 hebat la (mmg pun)
it takes around 10 min. for me finishing the nihongo testo
tgh2 jalan balik bilik afta test suddenly i remember..
ak lupe sebut "ringgito" utk "RM" 98,776 td..
ayat slh la dolllll
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