x cya2 tdo kul 2 lbh setelkan report yg cantik, menarik kau mmg da'bomb..so as wat i've expected..this mornin' i'm having a group presentation on thesis review on Technology in Smart Schools..
Today presentation x normal..bkn x normal coz ada mistake or kecacatan...but x normal cz everything perfect (ahaks~~sombong sgguh) but it's true b'cz spanjang2 ak smbung degree xpnh lg ada presentation lect.puji...so the main idea in today post is to showoff' to the reader dat my group dpt puji..slh2 bukan mintak puji..but dpt PUJI...haha u know what...today is s0 perfect to me hehe
( lect. ckp " thx, this is a good presentation")
haha..u see?? the word t'keluar dari mulut PAK RAHIM,our lect. so i want to thx him for the compliment arigato gonzaimasu.. the word will remain forever in my mind..besenye ssh nk dgr lect. puji camtu kat ak..mybe today ada luck skit kot..dah la 1st presenter..haha besenye 1st presenter msti kne basuh..but today differ's from other day..sbelum2 nih sejak smbung degree xder pun lect. puji (dah melutut nges2 pun blm tentu dpt puji)..Kene Marah, Lect.tdo nguap2 dgr presentation, kene Bahan, kene sepak..terajang haha melampau tu..not only dat today i'm improving maself to another level..aku bjaya present without looking note's haha (ad self confident skit) n i'm gonna improve maself from time to time..(insyallah)
so the conclusion is...today is great..to me, myself and i..jgn jelezzzzz!!
Today presentation x normal..bkn x normal coz ada mistake or kecacatan...but x normal cz everything perfect (ahaks~~sombong sgguh) but it's true b'cz spanjang2 ak smbung degree xpnh lg ada presentation lect.puji...so the main idea in today post is to showoff' to the reader dat my group dpt puji..slh2 bukan mintak puji..but dpt PUJI...haha u know what...today is s0 perfect to me hehe
( lect. ckp " thx, this is a good presentation")
haha..u see?? the word t'keluar dari mulut PAK RAHIM,our lect. so i want to thx him for the compliment arigato gonzaimasu.. the word will remain forever in my mind..besenye ssh nk dgr lect. puji camtu kat ak..mybe today ada luck skit kot..dah la 1st presenter..haha besenye 1st presenter msti kne basuh..but today differ's from other day..sbelum2 nih sejak smbung degree xder pun lect. puji (dah melutut nges2 pun blm tentu dpt puji)..Kene Marah, Lect.tdo nguap2 dgr presentation, kene Bahan, kene sepak..terajang haha melampau tu..not only dat today i'm improving maself to another level..aku bjaya present without looking note's haha (ad self confident skit) n i'm gonna improve maself from time to time..(insyallah)
so the conclusion is...today is great..to me, myself and i..jgn jelezzzzz!!
da awek besa r..
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