for my 10th entry (its gonna be a long entry..i wish)..i want to post this special entry for my lovely one (MISS ROSINI BUJANG) that have been together with me almost 2 yr..igt x dlu ak ad ckp nk cter how we've meet smpai la ni..igt x murid2..igt!!..bgs2 pnadai murid2ku 1st i've meet her when we were part.1 following my ex bff (e.g) to our faculty meeting at 1st really2 dont noe who is she till my ex bff tgur ckp astaghafirullahalazim to her (bcz of her attitude cam chipsmore pkai tudung) so dat is how our two eyes meet each other..she was very beautiful..and make my heart go boom!!(hyperbola kne gmpak huhu) bla,bla,bla smpailah i've got a private number and guess what?? it was her..huhu tkejut..time tu dye gtau yg dye x dpt follow gi some b'buka event..then ble dh dpt no. mkin lah rapat, s'rapat2 yg boleh huhu.. bla,bla,bla,bla...smpailah ktaorg 1st date gi chicken hartz..tyme tu segan tak igt..dlm keter sunyi sepi huhu..smpai mkn pun sunyi gak (al-maklumlah 1st date) pas dr 1st date tu ak nekad nk dptkan dye..then smakin hr smakin rpt..smpailah 2nd February 07..dat night we date and go to taman sahabat a.k.a friends garden..tyme 2 pusing2 satu tasik n i hve read one love poem for her(nk tau mn dpt poem ni?? is a scret huhu) afta read the poem i give her one ring to approve that we've declare as a couple...(that nite was really sweet nite dat i can't 4get) so that nite is officialy we've declare as a couple..bla,bla,bla,..wel jz like others couple out there 1st2 couple msti 24hr ty khabar then every nano sec. keep on messanging xpnh jemu..huhu mklumlah psangan br b'cinte..(this is a trivia between me n she every 2nd day of each month weve always celebrate the couple annivesary a.k.a monthly annivesary smp skang taw weve always smbut monthly)....then bla,bla,bla then we've celebrating 1st yr annivesary on 2nd February 08 at secret recipe the springs..and this time i give her new ring and necklace and also a teddy..huhu then bla,bla,bla...smpailah we've celebrating 2nd yr quiet sad u know cz this maybe the last tyme weve celebrating annivesary 2gether at Kch,Sarawak and it also be my final yer in Sarawak that i will really2 miss..4 ur info me and my gurl house dstance is too far (cam kata pepatah sorg kat utara sorg kat selatan)..mcm x sgka pjam-celik,pjam-celik almost 2 yr weve been 2gther and i really2 love her (x tau camner nk gmbarkn)..mybe ada yg dah 4/5 thn couple but in reality it really2 difficult to maintain a good realtionship with someone we love..juz like others couple..weve also have gdh2, msm muke, 10syen smpai nk bnuh dri but this is life's nothing is easy as it looks..tpulang pd stiap individu in how they maintain thier relationship...and for us..loyalty,honest n understanding is really2 important..b'cz without it the relationship cant come this for u guys out there yg in luv..always sbr n tng..n always remember dat ur love one is not ur shirt dat can easily my final word.. "open up ur mind n think of it" ~ wassalam
2 My Honey..I will Always MISS & LOVE u forever...
aku dedicate lagu Ordinary People by John Legend kt korg..
nnt dgr la k..
tgk ni br lah entry cter sal love on bk kutuk2 iskh...sdeynye
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