" MY BIG FAMiLi " huhu actually x lah bsar mana pn if nk d'bandingkan dgn fmily yg ada 8 or 10 or 15 or 20 org adk bradik tu.. so today entries i want to story about my big famili consist of babah n mak, me, adik, baby (nama timangan) n dani...so krelah bsar x fmili ak?? ada 6?? yup2 ur correct..so my family 1st start with my babah muhd sharum b.zainudin married my mak jamaliah bt. zainuddin then lahirlah ank sulung dye yg tampan ni dah tu lahir lg sorg adk pompuan rmbut gulung2 ni jd plgkap famili ak ckuplah laki,pompuan..adk n abg..so at 1st is only 4of us as a hepy famili..as time passed by selang beberapa thn camtu lahirlah adik ak sepasang ngan ak kat dunia ni...slg 2 thn lhir lg adik ak yg cute n tmbam ni huhu so skang dah bpe?? skang dah 6 lah gud2 clever reader huhu..to tell you the truth i really dont thing that i've got a brother b'cz jarak umur very2 jauh..err x lah sgt..cam skang ak 21 then my sis 19 dah tu my bro. tu drjah 6 so jauhlah kan beza kre lah bper lme..ak tak pndai sgt math ni..huhu then afta my last sis lhir i talk tu mum that enough not that i'm didn't like but x nk fmili rmai2 yg da pun ssh nk jg byk rgm n kerenah huhu (mcmlah jg!!) so lets start with my sis name sofya huda bt.muhd sharum then the 3rd is soufi mohamad b.muhd sharum and last but not least my last sis the 4th adani safi bt.muhd sharum..opps tlupe nama sy.. this is the 3nd tyme i've mention my full name in this blog..listen carefully n remember ok..adam sofri b.muhd sharum..so lgkaplah sudah famili pakcik sharum ni huhu..to tell you the truth my family is the best family i've ever had and i really2 thxfull 2 god in giving me to live in this family...2 babah n mak i love you guys so much..ur r the best parents that i had..thx for ur care..n really2 miss you bbh,mak :'( abg byk sshkan mak n bbh mfkan abg.. and to my greatest sis n bro.. without them i can't be Abang in the family...wlaupun korg2 nih abg mrh2 tp abg syg huhu tharu lah 2..so rmember guys i will always luv you..tggu abg blk nnt abg bg hdiah lg k...so this is the story of my big family..without them who is me, without them my life will not be complete..ak b'doa kpd tuhan "ya allah ya tuhanku ak m'mohon p'lindungan drmu, utk kluargaku slamat dr sgala bala bencana n malapetaka, dipanjangkan umur n sihat walafiat hendaknya..."-amin
~ wassalam
~ wassalam
sy pun future family awk gak..
asal x da pict??
coz xder pict fmily amk full lh huhu
miss my sis n bro juga..
n my mom..
n my dad also!!
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