erm 1st of all today entry mybe too personal but open up ur mind k..period/haid/dtg bulan/p'od/ntah lh...what is it?? cbe ty kaum2 adam d'luar sne..r u ever feel of getting pain every month?? wat i mean is hve u ever feel the recycle period of a women??? of course not cz u a men..even ko nyah skalipun jgn mmpi ko nk dpt period period is for the original gurl only , not the prototype k..according on my pemahamn..period 2 adlah satu ubat utk semua pmpuan kat dunia ni bg m'buang drh2 kotor kt dlm bdn pmpuan yg sgt byk..every month taw.. so gurl2 d'luar sne dh tentu byk yg sihat2 cz every month dpt ubat.huhu but here's is a fact that is the pain that emerge in every women during dat period..yg dipanggil s'gugut huhu..k correction not every time p'od they got this pain..tgk lh mybe twice or triple or fourth times a year...x tau gak ak..but why i make this entry?? ok cz smpena mymbut Women's Day wlaupun dah tlambat ak nak gk ucap Happy Women's Day utk smua manusia yg x de halkum..huhu..and 2nd purpose cz some'one dat i know had p'od cmplete wit s'gugut (pakage) rite now..n 3rd is to inform apa itu p'od n s'gugut..actually ak x begitu arif gak kt bnde2 ni jz dgr2 camtu s'gugut ni adalah skt kat prut yg m'lmpau smpai nk jln pun x bleh n bleh m'gundang tangisan gak pmpuan ckp if dtg s'gugut ni sme selera yg ada hilang n skt dye cam cucuk2 perut pkai kulit x tau pe purpose s'gugut ni utk sowg pmpuan..mybe utk buang dosa kn ustazah pnh gtau dlu..if kita skt so dosa ni b'kurangan so if org tu skt tenat krenye dye dh d'beri ujian oleh yg maha esa sbg pgganti dosa2 yg dye dh if korg dpt sakit b'syukur tau jgn m' br dpt flu dh m' tak elok..ok cont. s'gugut ni kdg2 lama n kdg2 kjap..tgk pd individu tu if laki2 kat luar tu if nmpak pompuan tbe2 mrh2 x tentu pasal tu phm2 ar k..s'gugut ar tu jgn lh korg mrh..bwk bsabar byk2 cam ak huhu..dah ngarut2 dah ak ni..k lah hope ur enjoi.." open up ur mind n think of it " ~ wassalam
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sory tau kaum hawa huhu sje je wat entry ni as a information x slh kan??
sape ckp kt ko darah kotor dam??
trase hina ble ko ckp yk darah kotor dlm bdn ktorg.
bkn darah kotor la..
aku xreti nk explain kt ko..
nnt la aku cri term seswai n terangkn kt ko.
neway, thx sbb wish!
perempuan ni istimewa kn?
ade hari utk kami.
ade hari ibu lg klu kami da jd mak.
kmu ade??
nak tahu macam mana perempuan period??
cuba letak batu depan n belakang punggung...
tak payah try batu blok la, cuma try batu bata...
n berjalan la satu kilometer...
mcm tu la rasa dia...
but serious shit, mmg sakit, lenguh satu badan...
n mood nak berpoye2 memang tak ade...
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