Resource Center (RC)?? wat is it?? human resource ke?..nope la actually resource center is one of the subject yg t'senarai in my degree aplication form..dlm BM resource center ni org ckp library2 kcik cam kat skolah2 utk primary n 2ndary school..why i choose resource center as my 1st choice..2 tell you the truth my answer is dont noe..juz ak rs t'ruje nk amik resource center lg2 my mum ckp bgslah amik tu dpt gak msk skolah..x dpt jd cikgu skolah pun jd cikgu library skolah pun ok gak haha..lg 1 coz nnt keje, cuti ak lg byk dr korg2 huhu(i guess) real ke leh jd cikgu skolah?? so the story begins last week all the degree KP have come visit us here in promoting all the dgree course..bla,bla,bla,bla smpailah 1 statement d'kuarkan oleh kp resource center b'bunyi " the course being collabrate with JPA, so that the RC stdent bleh d'serap msk dlm lib. skolah2..then bla,bla,bla smpailah last thursday i've meet my KP send my degree application dye gtau.."don choose RC as ur major course" trus ak down..then gi 1 statement wat ak down is.."the KP RC nye statement hr 2 just a project yg blum d'luluskan juz dlm prancangan mybe for 4 or 5 yr in the future"..sdh my KP suggest me to take RC as minor...but then fkr pnye fkr pnye last wat my decision is blajar jer elok, xper jnji dpt sgulung ijazah (.hons) dlm i still with my 1st decision stick with resource center..
muga2 ak dpt per yg ak nak insyallah ~wassalam
muga2 ak dpt per yg ak nak insyallah ~wassalam
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